113年11月13日(三) ❘ 113學年度參與國際學術會議暨新進教師研究計畫成果發表





🔷 梁蕙芳教授 ❘ Exploring Protective Factors to Promote Resilience in New-Generation Nursing Students

🔶 郭嘉琪副教授 ❘ 下巴內縮抗阻力運動於腦中風病人吞嚥困難之效應:隨機對照研究

🔷 鄭靜瑜教授 ❘ Effects of unfolding case study on nursing students’ clinical reasoning, self-learning, and team cooperation.

🔶 鄭靜瑜教授 ❘ Development of a Mobile Learning Application to Enhance Nursing Students' Clinical Reasoning and Self-Directed Learning Abilities

🔷 辜漢章助理教授 ❘ The incidence and associated factors of postoperative delirium in elderly patients following hip fracture surgery

🔶 王俞蓉助理教授 ❘ Using Virtual Reality for Experiential Learning to Improve Learning Effectiveness of Symptom Management Course for COVID-19 Patient Care